
What Did Jesus Mean By Being A Good Steward Of Our Money

You may have heard in church that information technology'due south important to "be a good steward." Don't worry if y'all are unsure what that ways. Steward is a word rarely used in modern English. We are going to dig into scripture to learn what information technology means to be a good steward in the Bible.

Nosotros will examine the definition of biblical stewardship and describe the qualities of a good steward. And nosotros'll expect at examples too as how to work towards becoming a good steward. At the end are some great Bible verses to encourage you lot in your journey of godly stewardship.

The Definition of A Good Steward in the Bible

Start let's examine this discussion, steward. It'south a word that has been on a decline in usage in the English language since the 1800s. Its nigh common usage describes the position of a person who works on a transport or airplane, serving the passengers. Side notation: On airlines, it's more proper these days to apply the term flight attendant. On boats, the give-and-take, steward, is nevertheless acceptable.

Nevertheless in the Bible, when we are told to be a good steward, it's not telling us to sign up as housekeeping staff on a boat. The word, steward, translates in Greek equally οἰκονόμον (pronounced "oikonomon"). This give-and-take well-nigh closely correlates in mod English to manager.

In fact, many Bible translations now use the term "manager." The managers mentioned in scripture were oft similar managers in today's world – overseeing accounts, households, and businesses. And then, whenever we run across the give-and-take "steward" we can supercede it with the biblical synonym, managing director.

Good Steward in the Bible

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A director is someone who is given the responsibleness to take care of something on behalf of someone else. This office is that of a "middle man." A manager or steward has say-so but works for the owner, and and then is also a servant. According to Helps Discussion Studies, a steward was usually a free servant worker, non a slave.

What It Ways To Be A Good Steward

If you've worked under or over a manager y'all may have some specific ideas about what makes a expert managing director. But what makes someone a "good steward" co-ordinate to the Bible? What is biblical stewardship?

Jesus himself asks, "Who and then is the true-blue and wise manager, whom the master puts in charge of his servants to requite them their food assart at the proper fourth dimension? It will be good for that retainer whom the principal finds doing so when he returns" (Luke 12:42-43, NIV).

In other words, a good steward is a retainer who is mindful that Jesus volition return anytime. It'south the person who behaves like he is a servant who will be held accountable for his care of others.

The Qualities of a Skilful Steward

In what is referred to equally "the parable of the talents" (Matthew 25:14-30), Jesus identifies the qualities of expert stewards. In the story, three stewards each receive an allocation of money to manage on behalf of the owner.

The first two stewards invest their talents and double what they are given. They each give the owner back double what they were given. And to each the owner replies, "Well done good and faithful servant."

Side notation: a talent is a transliteration of the Greek, which would be said "talanton." Its actual meaning is a certain weight (probably a lot) of coin.

In contrast, the third servant, or money director, appallingly digs a pigsty and goes nigh his ain life. He disregards his task to properly caring the owner's money. When the owner returns, this retainer digs information technology up and gives back only the amount given to him.

To this 1, the owner said, "You wicked and slothful servant," and a few other things. Then the bad steward had what was given to him taken away and given to the good steward. And the bad steward was thrown out.

Then, we learn from the adept steward parable that a good steward is diligent, hardworking, and willing to accept reasonable risks. God wants u.s. to build up and increase what God has given to us.

The story of the expert steward predicts Jesus' return to judge and conductor in the Kingdom of Heaven. What we are chosen to invest in, build upward, and increase God's kingdom for his return. We have been entrusted with the treasures of the gospel, religion, and say-so in the spiritual realm. Do we use these kingdom treasures or bury them?

Treasure next to a shovel at night and text, Do we use these treasures or bury them?

A Good Steward Remembers He Works for God

What is a good steward of God? A adept biblical steward is ever mindful that he or she works for God. God is the owner. "The world and everything in it, the world and its inhabitants, belong to the LORD" (Psalm 24:1, HCSB).

Good stewards have care of the gifts God has given them to manage. So, what volition nosotros be held accountable for? We take been made stewards of the things of earth – such as money, tangible things, and even people. But the almost precious thing nosotros steward as God'southward servants is His kingdom.

Stewardship of God's Kingdom

Biblical stewardship means being a flagman of God'due south kingdom. As Peter said, in 1 Peter four:x-11,

"As each has received a gift, employ it in serving one another, every bit good managers of the grace of God in its various forms. If anyone speaks, permit it be as it were the very words of God. If anyone serves, permit it be equally of the forcefulness which God supplies, that in all things God may exist glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom vest the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen."

We are called to be "good managers of the grace of God." As believers, our actions reap eternal consequences. The way we live and what we say should honor God'south image. Being a steward of grace means using whatever gift God has given you to perform acts of kindness towards others.

A Good Steward Is Wise

Jesus tells his disciples in Matthew 10:16 "be wise as serpents, and harmless every bit doves." In the parable of the talents, the good stewards invested their resources wisely.

God doesn't want you to write a bank check and check your mind at the door. A true-blue steward engages the wisdom God has given them and employs that talent for thinking to serve God'due south kingdom.

A Adept Steward Is Kind

There is no greater kindness we tin can practice than to share the "very words of God" with those who do not yet know Jesus. "Whoever turns a sinner from the mistake of his fashion will salvage his life from death and embrace a multitude of sins" (James 5:20).

Even when Paul is admonishing the Corinthians he buffers his criticism. He points out that his authority is for edifice them up, even when they are wrong. "This is why I am writing these things while absent, that when I am in that location I volition not utilize severity, in keeping with the authority the Lord gave me for building upwardly and not for violent down" (ii Corinthians thirteen:10).

Examples of Stewardship In The Bible

Peradventure you're wondering, "What are some expert examples of stewardship?" There are many! Allow'south look at some examples of good and bad stewardship in the Bible.

Noah was a good steward of the construction of the boat and rescuing animals & people from the coming flood.

Moses, a practiced steward, was given stewardship of Israel, to atomic number 82 them out of Arab republic of egypt and through the desert.

Judas was given stewardship of the money that Jesus and the other apostles had. He was a pretty bad steward.. not only of the grace God had given him to be in His presence, but of the money as well.

We'll get into more than in-depth examples from Scripture below.

In modernistic times, we might think of contractors every bit stewards. For instance, a taxation accountant is given the responsibility to prepare your taxes properly. A financial manager is given the authority to invest and manage investments on behalf of others.

The most important stewardship is always over the gospel and people.

Stewardship As Parents

Give-and-take Helps Report says the literal translation of the Greek word for steward is "household-manager." You may have heard this term used elsewhere to draw another function – mom! We non only run households but treat little people precious to God.

Information technology is the calling of every parent to serve. "But if anyone doesn't provide for his ain, and especially his own household, he has denied the organized religion and is worse than an unbeliever" (I Timothy five:8).

All parents (dads too!) are managers as God's servants in caring for the children given to united states. Our children belong to God, merely He has tasked us with protecting and building them upwardly into his kingdom. We are called to manage our children under submission to Christ in accordance with the principles he has established. We are to keep spotter over their souls "as those who will give an business relationship" (Hebrews 13:17).

All the same, proper care also requires taking reasonable risks, as the good stewards did in the parable of the talents. If we are overprotective and fearful in our parenting (like the bad steward), our children won't grow and mature as God intends them to do.

Examples of Good and Bad Stewardship

Jesus talks most a good steward in Luke 12, giving an example of a bad steward in verses 45-46.

"But suppose the servant says to himself, 'My main is taking a long time in coming,' and he and then begins to trounce the other servants, both men, and women, and to eat and drink and get boozer.

The principal of that retainer will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour he is non enlightened of. He will cut him to pieces and assign him a place with the unbelievers."

The bad servant used his resources for self-indulgence and abuse. He mistreated those entrusted to his care, and his consequences were harsh because God cares deeply about his people.

jar with money and a small plant growing out of it - biblical stewardship

An Example of Good Stewardship

Paul was, who given the stewardship from God to preach the gospel to gentiles (Acts 22:21) is a nifty instance of good stewardship. In Colossians ane:24 Paul says, "At present I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake." In dissimilarity to the bad servant, he suffers for the sake of others. He says, "of which I was fabricated a servant according to the stewardship of God which was given me toward yous to fulfill the word of God" Colossians 1:24-26.

And I Corinthians 9:17, points out that he is working God and not for his own personal gain. "For if I practice this of my own volition, I have a advantage. But if non of my own will, I have a stewardship entrusted to me." A expert steward puts aside their own wants and ambitions in order to bear witness kindness and care for the well-being of those God has put under their authority.

As parents, it'due south important for u.s. to teach our children how to discern skillful and bad stewardship in their leaders. It will help protect them as they grow, and help them develop equally skilful leaders themselves.

More Scriptures on Stewardship

Whatever you have stewardship over, in that location's probably a good Bible verse to help encourage you in the mode of righteousness in that responsibility. Hither are a few of my favorite scriptures on stewardship.

Stewardship Over People

"Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they lookout on behalf of your souls, every bit those who will requite account, that they may exercise this with joy, and not with groaning, for that would be unprofitable for you lot" (Hebrews 13:17).

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"Again, do you think that we are excusing ourselves to yous? In the sight of God nosotros speak in Christ. But all things, dear, are for your edifying" (2 Corinthians 12:nineteen).

"For an overseer, as God'south steward, must be in a higher place reproach. He must not exist arrogant or quick-tempered or a drunkard or violent or greedy for gain, but hospitable, a lover of good, self-controlled, upright, holy, and disciplined" (Titus i:7-eight).

Stewardship Over the Gospel

"So permit a human being think of us every bit Christ's servants, and stewards of God's mysteries. Here, moreover, it is required of stewards that they be found faithful" (I Corinthians 4:one-2, Spider web).

Stewardship Of Spiritual Gifts

"And then likewise yous, since you are zealous for spiritual gifts, seek that you may grow to the building up of the assembly" (I Corinthians 14:12).

Stewardship Over Your Words

"Let no corrupt speech go on out of your oral fissure, but such every bit is good for building upward as the need may be, that it may requite grace to those who hear" (Ephesians 4:29).

Stewardship Of Your Organized religion

"But you, beloved, keep building up yourselves on your virtually holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit" (Jude 1:20).

What The Bible Says About Good Stewardship Of Money

You're probably wondering at this point why I oasis't talked more about money. Most people start talking about coin right away when biblical stewardship comes upwardly. The parable of the talents is talking about coin after all, or is it? In the parable, Jesus says the coming of the kingdom of sky "volition be similar…" when someone is held accountable for the things God has given them to manage.

Every bit the verses above show us, the nearly important things to God are His people and His word. What God says about stewardship, is that a good steward values people over personal financial proceeds. When we invest in others and share God's discussion, nosotros grow his kingdom. Your money is only another resources that can exist used to help further the greater calling in loving others and sharing the gospel.

Additional Resources for Beingness a Expert Steward in the Bible

There'southward a lot more that tin exist said about being a expert steward or management. I talk near the parable of the talents as it applies to parent in Parenting in Christ: Lessons from the Parables (also available by audiobook).

Biblical stewardship means taking your middle direction position seriously. You have a duty, especially equally a parent, to serve others with justice and kindness and will be held accountable to God for how yous practice it.

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