
How To Get Rid Of Dry Nose

Image - Woman with Nose Bleed and Tissue in NoseHaving a dry nose can be extremely uncomfortable because it can lead to other problems, such as: itchiness, pain, scabbing, nose bleeds, and nasal congestion. Some common causes of a dry nose are: dehydration, dry weather, and allergies, as well as decongestant and antihistamine medications.

Below you will find 8 home remedies that you can use to relieve a dry nose and all the symptoms associated with it.

Create a Humid Environment

A good way to relieve a dry nose is to make the air you breathe less dry. Purchase a humidifier and place it in your bedroom or another closed-off room where you spend a lot of time. Self-sterilizing humidifiers are preferred because they secrete clean steam. However, any other kind of humidifier works as long as you clean it regularly. If purchasing a humidifier is not an option, try placing water filled buckets near the heating system to create ambient humidity.

Surround Yourself With Steam

HumidifierTake a steamy hot shower or bath, or spend some time in a sauna. Both of these options will allow for you to breathe in humid air and relieve your dry nose. Remember not to spend too much time in the bath/sauna because it can dry out your skin.

Avoid Medications That Increase Dryness

Some decongestants or antihistamines have nose dryness as a side effect. Check the labels of over the counter medications before purchasing them and consult with your ENT before taking any medications.

Keep Hydrated

Not drinking enough water can lead to dryness in your body tissues, such as your nasal passages. Drink a minimum of 8 to 10 glasses of water per day to maintain a good hydration level.

Use Nasal Sprays or Gel

Use saline water nasal spray as regularly as you require to keep your nose lubricated. You can also use over the counter gels to lubricate your nasal passages, especially through the night.

Mix Almond Oil with Aloe Vera

Image - Natural OilsUse 1/2 a teaspoon of almond oil and 1/4 of a teaspoon of aloe vera gel and mix them together. Then, soak up a q-tip and gently apply to the inside of your nostrils. This will help lubricate your nose and ease any pain.

Use Coconut Oil

Place 1/2 teaspoon of coconut oil in a microwave-safe bowl and warm it up until it is soft but remains in a semi-solid state. Dip a q-tip into it and then apply the oil to the inside of your nostrils. Try to apply no more than 3 times a day, and always before you go to bed.

Apply Sesame Oil

Apply sesame oil to the inside of your nostrils to help relive pain and irritation caused by dryness. If you mix the oil with chamomile, it will also relive nasal itchiness.

A dry nose can be in itself a symptom of other upper respiratory issues, so be sure to check with your ENT or primary care physician if you suffer from recurrent nose dryness. Make an appointment with Dr. Pasha today to consult with him about your nose dryness.

How To Get Rid Of Dry Nose


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